RangerMSP Business Automation for successful ITs

March 5th, 2008, 10:02 AM
Posts: 38
I am trying to setup my web interface withCommitCRM. I am able to setup the service to run okay using my local IP but not able to get it to work with the remote/internet IP address. I'm using DynDns for my name resolver since I don't have a static IP.

Any ideas on what I can check to get this to work?
March 5th, 2008, 10:14 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hello novacomputersolutions,

Try settings up the web interface with your domain name, not your static local IP address. You should change this in the ComimtWebInterface.ini file.
Please remember to restart RangerMSPWebInterface service after you change this.

Also, if you want to use the web interface on your local network as well (usually on your LAN you should use the RangerMSP client, though you can also use the web interface) you may add a DNS entry on your server that will translate directly to your server IP address, this way when working with the web interface on your LAN you will not send DNS request outside your network and it will still work from the Internet as DynDNS will solve the domain name for them. Anyway, adding the DNS entry on your network is completely optional.


March 5th, 2008, 11:38 AM
Posts: 38
I guess the part I'm getting lost on is how I actually setup the web-interface where we have our website hosted somewhere and the CommitCRM service is running here in our office.

What are our techs actually needing to type in while they are remote in order to reach the web tool.
March 5th, 2008, 12:04 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Your web site can indeed be hosted somewhere outside your network.
The way it is integrated is as follows:

(1) Add the following link to the relevant page/s in your existing web site:

<A HREF="">Click to login</A>

Note: You should edit this link to reflect your IP/URL address and Port. ( to your IP/URL and 4961 to the port in use).

After adding this link simply upload this page to your web site. Whenever someone clicks on this link, while visiting your web site that is hosted anywhere, they are automatically transferred to interact with RangerMSP Web Interface installed at your office and a login page will be displayed. The visitors/techs don't know this but all communication is now from your server.

There is another option as well.

(2) Embed the login fields in one of your web site pages. After the user fill their username/password they will be automatically transferred (behind the scenes) to your office server.
This options is more advanced, here's how to do it:

Embed the following HTML/script code in one of your web pages.
The <SCRIPT> code should be added between the HTML <HEADER> and </HEADER>.
The <FORM> code should be added in the HTML <BODY> area; You need to
update the default IP/URL ( to your IP/URL, and the default port
number (4961) to your port settings.

Copy and paste this section to your HTML <HEADER> section:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" >
function CmtCheckInput()

if (document.CmtForm.CmtUsrNamePrm.value=="" )
alert('Please enter your user name');
return false;
else if (document.CmtForm.CmtUsrPWPrm.value=="")
alert('Please enter your password');
return false;
aWinSize = ",width="+screen.width+",Height="+(screen.Heig ht-100)+",Top=0,Left=0";
aNewWin = window.open("","CmtNewWindow","toolbar=0,menubar=0 ,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,status=1,directories=0,l ocation=0"+aWinSize);
aNewWin.name = "CmtNewWindow";
return true;

function cmtLogin()
if (CmtCheckInput())
document.CmtForm.CmtUsrPWPrm.value = "";

Copy the following HTML code, paste it in the HTML <BODY> area and
modify the IP and Port as described above:

<FORM name="CmtForm" target="CmtNewWindow" method="post" action="" onSubmit="return CmtCheckInput()">
<tr><td>User Name:</td>
<td><input name="CmtUsrNamePrm" type="text" id="CmtUsrNamePrm" ></td></tr>
<td><input name="CmtUsrPWPrm" type="password" id="CmtUsrPWPrm" ></td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input type="button" onClick=cmtLogin() value="Login"></td></tr>

March 5th, 2008, 01:26 PM
Posts: 38
Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to create the connection from the outside. I created the link as outlined in your last reply.

Is there some way of testing this besides the obvious of using a link and waiting for the error.
March 5th, 2008, 01:37 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Can you post here the URL of the web page on your web site that now contains the link to the web interface log-in page? We will then be able to look at it and see how we can help.


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