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Data error

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    Data error

    I'm trying to create reports in Excel using the Advantage ODBC driver (we are using CommitCRM SQL). I can link all the tables I require except the most essential one - the SLIPS table. Whenever I try to link this table to any of the others (for example, the CARDS table), the following error is returned.

    We couldn't get data from the data model. Here's the error message we got:

    An error occurred while parsing the 'R' element at line 598, column 72 ('urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset' namespace) under Envelope/Body/Execute/Parameters/Value/row/(any). The '-' string cannot be converted to the long type.

    Are you able to assist me in how I might clean this data up to enable linking.

    Re: Data error

    Thank you for posting this.

    It is hard to tell what exactly the issue. Is it possible that different field types were linked... It may help if you will include the actual SQL query that gives this error.


      Re: Data error

      I'm linking RECID from the CARDS table to the CARDID on the SLIPS table. As I said, the only table I'm having trouble linking is the SLIPS table and it appears to be a specific record. How can I locate that field and modify the data?


        Re: Data error

        From what you described we understand that there's an invalid/incorrect value in a specific field and record. As you did not include the SQL we can only recommend that you filter your query further and limit it to include the fewer records possible so it'll be easier for you to explore the result set and see whether it's a problem with the SQL or data, and if the latter, which records.

