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Seach function for Account and Asset

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    Seach function for Account and Asset

    Hi Commit,

    I have two search issues:

    1. When Searching for an asset:
    I have an asset where FLDASTNAME = "WWW:"

    The asset is not found when searching for this: "" (this works for accounts)

    The asset is not found when searching for this: "" (this also works for accounts)


    2. When Searching for an account:
    I have an account where FLDCRDCOMPANY = "Åmose Trapper" (with uppercase of å)

    The account is not found when searching for this: "åmose trapper" (lowercase of Å)

    Bonisinfo: In Denmark, we have Æ Ø Å (uppercase) and æ ø å (lowercase)

    Re: Seach function for Account and Asset

    Asset name search: Please use the Advanced filter option, select to search by name and the condition 'includes...'.

    Account search: While it usually works very well officially RangerMSP does not support non-English character sets. Having said that, you may try to update the charset/locale the database uses. You will need to update it and to rebuild all indexes and configure it to work with the updated charset in all of the program you develop (external to RangerMSP) that connects to RangerMSP's database.

