RangerMSP Business Automation for successful ITs

February 22nd, 2010, 04:05 AM
Posts: 22
Will it be possible to make CommitCRM app portable so that it can be use on site and then synch with the main commitcrm at the workshop.

I play with thinapp and CommitCRM but wasn't successful, create the app but will not run when plug into a different machine
February 22nd, 2010, 08:18 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Dan,

Thanks for posting this.
Since the RangerMSP client application only works when run from the server itself; we don't think this is a viable possibility. The files run for the client application are run directly from a network share to each computer; not to mention that the RangerMSP client application is in continuous access to the database files located on the server.

In have 2 alternate suggestions to help to facilitate what you're trying to do; here they are:
  • RangerMSP Web Interface - Using the Web Interface, you're employees can access the RangerMSP database from any computer with an internet connection. This can allow your employees to have quick and safe secured access to the database, while in the office, or in the field.

  • Remote Desktop - If each employee connects to his own workstation with RDP' then we can help you to enable the system for RDP usage so that your employees can access the RangerMSP client from anywhere. Please note that this option is not to be used on Citrix or Terminal Servers; let us know if you want more information on that area.

Hope this helps.

February 22nd, 2010, 08:39 AM
Posts: 942
Do you think it will ever work to run CommitCRM over a VPN? That would be really sweet!!

February 22nd, 2010, 01:56 PM
Posts: 8
Actually I do run CommitCRM over a VPN once in a while. I have cable braodband in the office and at home, so a pretty fast connect. Openning Commint and logging over the VPN is slow, as in go get a cup of coffee slow. However, once the application is open it is noticeably slower than being on a local network connection but it is usable. At least I find it more usable than the web interface.

Having said that, I will be purchasing the SQL database shortly so that I can simply run a TS connection.

The other option would be VNC or LogMeIn back to a PC in the office.
February 22nd, 2010, 06:19 PM
Posts: 188
I have been using CommitCRM SQL via terminal server since we purchased it, our techs just use it from client offices that way vs over the web interface. It works very well.

Austin Speer
Onward IT
February 23rd, 2010, 07:09 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Guys,

Thanks for posting these comments; this is great feedback.
When using RangerMSP over a VPN the system would naturally act slower since the software and all the communication is being handled remotely from the user. Using the SQL Database wouldn't make the software application run at normal LAN speed; however, it will add some speed and stability so that there aren't communication drops or any other issues connected to remote usage of a system which requires constant access to the database.

Hope this helps.


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