RangerMSP Business Automation for successful ITs

July 28th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Posts: 15
We are revamping some of the ways we report what we do for our clients. For example, we've been seeing a huge increase in the number of virus/malware type incidents and we would like to track some of the data we get. For example, a client brings in a computer who thinks he has a virus. We run scan #1 and find 291 "virus" but maybe they 283 of them are tracking cookies and 8 of them are one type of Trojan horse. Scan #2 finds another 20 or so. Scan #3 finds two or three more, and so on. We would like to keep this in CommitCRM somehow, if possible. What would be the best way to do it? Right now, we keep most of the detailed stuff in the notes, but it seems like there would be a better way to do it that would be more "searchable" and "reportable". :)

Any ideas?
July 29th, 2009, 07:09 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi oldmuttonhead,

In case you want to document all activity and tests performed under the ticket, you can do this in the ticket Notes, as you mentioned, which makes it easy to view. The Notes field is available from the Ticket's Details tab and also as a separate Notes tab for a wider view. Note that when using the "Text" search in the tickets window, this searches the Description, Notes and Resolution fields, so you will be able to easily find tickets by this field.

Another option is logging each test as a History Note via the Ticket's History tab. This way each step in your tests will be logged, it will have the date and time you logged it and you can search the history notes using the Filter option in the History window, and easily reach the original ticket via the history record. This may be very useful option as well.

I believe it depends on how detailed you want to keep your history records.

I hope this helps!


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