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Merged continuum tickets?

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    Merged continuum tickets?

    If we merge tickets in CommitCRM that are sync'ed with Continuum, what happens to the Continuum ticket?

    For example, I have a patching ticket (ticket A) and they request I start a chat. I start the chat (ticket B) and go through the process. They then indicate they will escalate ticket B for further work. What's the best way for me to handle these on the CommitCRM site? Just link them all and then once the whole issue is resolved, merge/close them? Or can I merge them while Continuum is making updates to ticket B and start to get those updates in ticket A?

    Re: Merged continuum tickets?

    You should probably link between the ticket A and B in RangerMSP to keep the references.

    Merging Ticket A into Ticket B may result in creating a new ticket C in case there will be any new/future updates for the ticket A that was merged/deleted in RangerMSP.

    Once the issue is solved you can closed both tickets in RangerMSP - this action will also close them in Continuum.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Merged continuum tickets?

      Gotcha, so it sounds like my best bet is just to link them on the Commit side, then once all related work is done and we are closing, just closed them all. IE: Don't merge tickets if they are sync'ed with Continuum.


        Re: Merged continuum tickets?

        Sounds right. You can definitely merge tickets once they are closed in Continuum.


          Re: Merged continuum tickets?

          Is there a "best-practice, real world" usage document for the Continuum link? Seems it would eliminate a lot of trial and errors and gotcha's.


            Re: Merged continuum tickets?

            I found a lot of my information by searching this forum. If you have any questions, I have found that there are a lot of folks on here with answers and support is quick to respond. If it's not been posted, put up the question, give it a day or so and you will have a few good answers.

            I don't think there is one central place with that, but if there was, I would think that it would be on the RMM integration page in the wiki.

