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December 7th, 2007, 07:39 AM
Product User
Posts: 123
Can I add new fields to RangerMSP or only use the existing fields?
December 7th, 2007, 07:42 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can add new fields by going an new tab and then adding your own defined fields there. go to Tools > Tab Management. Create a new tab and then go to Tools > Field Management to create new fields for your new tab. You can also use existing system fields which will be displayed in the user-defined tab.

You can manage which tabs are displayed for the entity using the Tools > Tab
Management window. Please note that the 'General' tab cannot be removed from the

You can create as many new tabs as needed and create as many new fields as needed.
You can also design the layout of the tab page as best suits your needs.

Note that there are pre-defined fields labeled Field (e.g. Field1, Field2) which can be
customized as you see fit (you can also rename their label to your needs). For
example, you can use Charge Field1, modify its label to "Status", and edit the values
list to include possible values for the Status of a Charge.
To rename a field, right-click the field label and select "Field Settings..."

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