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Adding web users

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    Adding web users

    This is probably a feature request...

    Is there anyway to add a batch of secondary contacts as web users? Still getting our new CommitCRM installation configured and swapping over the helpdesk etc. Imported a bunch of secondary contacts for each account, but have to manually setup a web user for each contact under the Account. PITA!!

    If not, could I suggest a wizard for creating web users from secondary contacts. With a default username based on their existing name etc., default password.

    I would extend this to a password reminder option on the main login page and/or a send password from the main CommitCRM app.

    Many thanks


    Re: Adding web users

    Let's add to that list when creating secondary users the option of pulling the address from the main account record. I second both of the password requests as I made them previously myself. :)


      Re: Adding web users

      Sorry ajgyomber, searched the forum, but didn't see any reference.

      I agree to copying the address details.



        Re: Adding web users

        No, I had emailed them directly. Strength in numbers! I'm glad you too see the need for these seemingly minor changes that can dramatically improve our work flow when on-boarding new clients.


          Re: Adding web users

          I agree that both would be useful little additions to the process of Web users creation. We have received similar feedback on this in the past, and I added your feedback to the feature request. Thank you for your great suggestions!

          @ajgyomber - regarding copying the address to secondary contacts, I just wanted to mention that although the company address is not copied from the main account to secondary contacts, the address information usually available from the main account when needed. For example, in reports "Full Address If Secondary" for the secondary specific address and use the "Full address" for the main account details. This way you can keep two separate addressed – one for the main account and one for the secondary contact if needed. Note also that when dispatching a ticket which is linked to a secondary contact, both the main account's address and the secondary contact address are automatically added to the appointment description, which is very helpful as well. I hope this information is helpful :-)



            Re: Adding web users

            We don't enter secondary contact or phone information - only on the primary account. However, could see linking to the primary contact details a nice addition. What I'd prefer to see first though would be linking of the company name. If it changes, or is mis-typed, it still works. Wish it "linked" so updates to the primary filtered down to secondary. Not major... but.

