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June 17th, 2008, 02:31 PM
Posts: 2
Is there a way when I create a new customer, that a automatic number is created against that users account.

Signed Merlin
June 17th, 2008, 03:06 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Merlin,

Each Account has a field called Accnt# (in the Details tab). This is not an automatic number, but you can use it in order to manually set the Account number.

The Account# is displayed in the Accounts list so you can easily sort the list by it, and you can also filter by the numbers. Another advantage is that when you create a Contract against this Account, you can set the system to use the Account# as the default Contracts Code prefix (from Tools > Options > Charges & Contracts). This can help you later on when generating Contracts by Accounts.

I hope this helps.


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