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Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

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    Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

    In our configuration and use of CommitCRM we issue charges to customers that are billable, but we also record a lot of charges that are set as non-billable (for a variety of reasons).

    We also use QuickBooks, and we invoice both the billable and non-billable charges using the QuickBooks link.

    To make sure that we have not forgotten to charge for something we need a mechanism that can show all of the charges, whether billable or non-billable, that have not been invoiced.

    Right now, we would be happy to use the Charges section/window of CommitCRM, but we can't really use that efficiently because CommitCRM does not see non-billable charges as having a Billed or Not Billed status - CommitCRM seems to work on the basis that non-billable charges do not have this status, even though they can be invoiced out.

    So, our comment is that CommitCRM would perhaps be better if non-billable charges could be tracked as having been invoiced out, or not, so that there could be a manageable view of the charges not yet "processed" in the system. This would allow us to make sure we are invoicing our customers correctly and keep the list of non-billable charges that need to be "checked" to a manageable level.

    Anyone else see a need to be able to track when non-billable charges have been invoiced out?

    Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

    The following may be interesting: Our next release will include a new feature to display the Invoice reference as another column in the Charges table/list.
    Charges without an Invoice reference in this columns are ones that haven't been billed yet, this includes Not-Billable Charges.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

      That would certainly help. If the view of items can be filtered by those with and without a linked invoice this would give us a "queue" of charges that need to be invoiced out, which is what we lack now. Would the view work this way?


        Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

        You will be able to run any of the filters you can run today (like All Not-Billable Charges that have been logged into the system since February 1). Then, to see only Charges that were not invoiced you will need to sort the list by this new column. done. All 'Un-Billed' - 'Not-Billable' Charges are now grouped together.


          Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

          For confirmation, this feature does not seem to have been included in the version 6 release as promised. Is that the case?


            Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

            No, this is NOT the case. You can add this column in version 6.0 and sort by it as explained above.
            Please right click the list, from the menu select Table Options > Add/Remove Columns and add this column.


              Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

              Yes, well we did of course try and locate the new field before posting in your forums. Looking at the charges area, when we add/Remove columns there are several available but nothing that appears to be the invoice reference. Is there a system option or other setting that would limit the fields available?


                Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

                If you'll scroll the charges list to the right you will see that the right most column is called 'Invoice Ref.'. This column holds the info. The previous instructions we mentioned in regards to adding this column should be ignored as it is not required - the column is already there.


                  Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

                  Ahh, well that would explain it. We were trying to add the column but it was already displayed!

                  Many thanks, and appreciate this feature very much.


                    Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

                    Is this invoice reference field auto filled in by Quickbooks or it is a manual entry?

                    We are not using Quickbooks at the moment but would like to have this field editable manually so that once we create an invoice on our accounts system, an operator can fill in the invoice number accordingly.


                      Re: Tracking "billed" status of non-billable charges

                      When generating a QuickBooks Invoice​​ all Charges are linked to the Invoice Reference (they are also automatically marked as Billed). This link cannot be created without generating a QuickBooks Invoice from RangerMSP.

                      You may use another field - Field1 - in the Charge record details in order to track the Invoice number and then manually mark the Charge as Billed (which can also be done in batches from the Charges tab of the Ticket).

