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July 10th, 2017, 07:43 AM
Posts: 23
Hi Everyone,

We finally got CommitCRM up and running and had to go through the grueling processing of getting exporting / importing all our tickets into CommitCRM from our old helpdesk solution. Thankfully our old solution offered an export to Excel option that made it not too bad. However we did have to write a utility using the CommitCRM dev tools and in working with the API that CommitCRM provides we got everything imported with a few snags here and there.

The current utility is just a basic command line utility that reads specific columns in a excel file, queries a specific Ticket Field in CommitCRM that we stored the External Ticket ID in. (This allows us to get the Internal CommitCRM Record ID) We then import the records as a charge entry so we have all our history.

Future Plans
- Save added Charge Record ID after adding the entry to allow an Undo option so that you can reverse the import
- Implement some type of SQL facility so we can skip the export to excel process and "Sync" data from an SQL database

So we are thinking that this utility might be useful for others if you are interested in testing the utility out let me know. I've included a few images below, it's really raw right now. Let us know your thoughts and if you think this would be useful.

Charge Import View

Program Window (what it looks like when it runs)

Error Log - When we can't import we log the error in a log file.
July 17th, 2017, 02:05 PM
Posts: 39
I'd be very interested in this. I could use some of our existing tools in conjunction with a ticket CLI to better (and cleanly) generate tickets (I assume with the CLI I have much better field management options than the generic tickets@ email based method right?)

I also would love to collaborate to further develop some CLI tools for CommitCRM.

I'd like to use a CLI to update contact records, so we could use external systems and unify the data into CommitCRM as our source-of-truth.

For example:

We bill our clients per-user support plans. Some customers have their own Active Directory, some have Office 365, some are on OUR multi-tenant AD. I have built my own export tools, but then I'd love to be able to (via CLI) pipe the updated data back into CommitCRM to run billing reports from:

Is the individual user: Bronze Plan, Silver Plan, Exempt from plan, etc

Perhaps we could start a little dev community to help consolidate and build a suite of tools to share?
December 9th, 2017, 08:36 AM
Posts: 1
I was wondering if somebody could direct me to how import my charges from another program. I got as far as be able to import all my contacts, some tickets but I stopped because all the previous tickets I have in my database has charges, I just dont want to import the tickets, I want the tickets plus the charges so I can have a record on CommitCRM.
I must say that I know what API is but I have no idea how to use it, download it, connect to CommitCRM etc. I'm looking for some guidance.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know "tfreitas" has done it.
August 15th, 2018, 12:04 PM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Can anyone assist with importing charges in to CommitCRM? As the last comment, no familiarity with API

The ticket info above suggests there is some interest in this although a while ago.

We are looking to import a CSV with 100+ charges per month which do not link to tickets and can be system charges against particular accounts on a particular day.

We have requested this feature over a couple of years, but not on the list as yet.

We would welcome any feedback and interest to log with CommitCRM.

August 15th, 2018, 01:05 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Charges should be inserted and imported into RangerMSP using the API. This is unlike plenty of other record types such accounts, tickets, contacts, assets, etc. that can be imported from CSV/Excel.
Using the API is a really straight forward task for a programmer and the scope of s simple project to push Charges into RangerMSP using the API is really small, e.g. - a very short project. If this is something that is important for you and you need to use it right away then i'd recommend that you'll ask for quotes from sites like UpWork.com where you can higher good talent for a very reasonable price.
Besides, we may introduce a CSV/Excel import of Charges in a future release.

Hope this helps.
August 16th, 2018, 12:51 PM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Thank you support, we do need this quite soon, so will look for a programmer to assist with this, unless the feature is on the update list and has a timescale.

August 16th, 2018, 01:22 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You're welcome!

It's on the list but it does not have any timescale at this time.
January 16th, 2019, 08:20 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Hi Support,

Is there any update on Charge imports being added to CommitCRM?

I looked at using a programmer but all got really confusing and they were quoting rather more than I can allow for this.

Being an IT community I would have thought someone here could offer support on this?
January 16th, 2019, 10:17 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for following up on this. At this time you should use the API to insert Charges. It shouldn't take more than a few hours for a programmer to use our API and write a simple program that inserts charges, and then expand it based on your exact requirements. We will be happy to assist should it be required and besides may introduce an import feature for Charges in the future. Thanks.
February 24th, 2019, 03:38 AM
Posts: 62

At this URL on our website is some sample C# code to insert an Account, Ticket and then a Charge record into the CommitCRM database.
With a foreach loop to loop through data from a input file, you should be able to batch insert records.
Likely you will want to add in additional fields. Once you connect (via a Service Reference) Visual Studio to our Jupiter Server product, you well have access to all the fields for each record type.

Over the coming months we will add a batch insert feature to our Jupiter Client software which is included with all paid annual subscriptions to our Jupiter Server product.
Kind Regards
Andrew Dent
Dentaur Pty Ltd
February 24th, 2019, 02:29 PM
Posts: 1
Get Luke Popejoy and he can make code to upload csv thru web interface as he did for me...
March 24th, 2019, 12:52 AM
Posts: 62

As of version 1.2.2, the Jupiter Client windows application that comes included with our Jupiter Server supports inserting data into Accounts, Charges, Items and Tickets from CSV files.

Kind Regards
Andrew Dent
Dentaur Pty Ltd
March 24th, 2019, 06:05 AM
Posts: 23
Need some setup instructions for the Jupiter server. Checked the website, but didn't see anything.
March 24th, 2019, 04:54 PM
Posts: 62

The setup is as follows.
Download the install package from our website.
Extract and run the installer from the zip file.
Once complete the GUI config screen for the Jupiter Server will display.
There are controls to start and stop the server.
On each of the service tabs there is a checkbox to "Enable" a service.
You may need to modify your Windows Firewall for the port numbers that are displayed in the GUI config screen.

Kind Regards
Andrew Dent
Dentaur Pty Ltd
May 27th, 2019, 04:32 PM
Posts: 26
I feel this is something that should be part of the core product.

There must be plenty of CommitCRM users out there who, like us, resell services such as Phone, managed print, etc. where charges vary each month depending on volume consumed by the customer.

I would be happy to spend some time listing our requirements/wishes for such a feature if it would help CommitCRM to define the feature.

We pay the annual support and upgrades fee and would prefer that our fees go towards valuable upgrades such as this rather than icon and colour changes.
May 28th, 2019, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for asking. Good news! Our next new version, 23, will introduce a built-in Charge import tool that will allow importing Charges from Excel/CSV files.

Hope this helps.
May 28th, 2019, 10:21 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
That is great, roll on version 23!
May 28th, 2019, 06:06 PM
Posts: 26
Great news! Thanks Commit :)
August 3rd, 2019, 06:00 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
We now have an "Import Charge" process with CommitCRM and working well. Thank you to the Commit team for introducing this.

The process to set up took a while and worked out that if you start an import there is a part of the wizard that allows alignment of the fields, so could play with the Excel file to align.

I cannot see a way to attach a file to this post but the following are the field headings that worked for me with the first line of charges (relating to phone call charges):

Account,Price/Rate,Description,Date,Charged Item,Item Type,Contract Code,Employee,Billing Status,Group,Units

CUSTOMER,£5.66,Phone Call Charge - July 2019,01/08/2019,Phone Call Charges,Phone,System,ENGINEER,Billable,Product/Part,1

The 2 fields "item Type" and "Group" didn't line up although this did not appear to affect the import, so will remove for next month.

I hope this helps someone and good luck importing.

August 5th, 2019, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this and for your feedback!

Indeed "Item Type" and "Group" can be removed and that are not mandatory.

We will shortly update and expand the Import Charges article on our Wiki .
March 3rd, 2022, 08:13 PM
Posts: 26
When importing charges with the Import charges tool

1. Is there any way of using an Account number or RecordID for customer accounts in Ranger rather than the Account name having to match, (customers sometimes change their business name).

2. Do you have any information on the format of and how to use the template (.cmf file referred to in the import process ) for matching fields automatically

March 4th, 2022, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Sure, you can use Account number or Account Record ID to match the customer while importing the Charges.

While mapping the fields, you can select one of the following fields:

In order to create a template (.cmf file) that will be then used for mapping fields automatically, you should first select the option to match the fields manually, map the fields on the next step and use the 'Save' button at the screen bottom to save the mapping.

Hope this helps.

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