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October 19th, 2018, 10:08 AM
Posts: 53
Things got out of hand and we now have a great many to-do list templates. Older ones are poorly named. There are duplicates. There are obsolete lists.

How can I delete to-do templates?

Can they be re-named?

(Note that I am not talking about Activity templates, which do have a management screen.)


-- Craig
October 19th, 2018, 11:19 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Under the 'Add from template' dropdown you'll find the Delete option that can be used to delete templates.

With renaming - you can apply an existing template that you wish to rename, to an To-do Lists tab, save this as a template with the new name and then delete the original template. A few steps but it ends up being just like rename.

Hope this helps.
October 19th, 2018, 11:26 AM
Posts: 53
That would work, IF I could figure out how to delete a to-do list. I don't mean an instance of the list that has been generated (little garbage can icon on the left). I mean the actual to-do list name in the list of available templates.
October 19th, 2018, 11:28 AM
Posts: 53
OH WAIT -- I found it! Waaay at the bottom of our gigantic list I finally noticed the ADVANCED menu choice, which has options for delete and rename. That's all I need! Thanks. Never noticed it due to having such a huge list.

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