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May 8th, 2018, 10:41 PM
Posts: 2
After a user with the sysadmin role opens CommitCRM and has it open for 5-30 minutes, they are getting a CommitCRM Server error.

" An error occured while trying to connect to CommitSQL Database.
Verify the 'Advantage Database Server' service is running on your server and then restart all Commit server side services on your server.

Error 6420: The 'discover' process for the Advantage Database Server failed. Unable to conenct to the Advantage Database Server.

Users without sysadmin roles seem to be able to open CommitCRM without any errors, even for hours in our testing. We currently have ADS.ini files in use with IP addresses, and have not have this issue before. We are running on CommitCRM 17. Any ideas on what might be causing this odd issue or what we might do to fix it?
May 9th, 2018, 06:08 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

This error was logged by one of the server-side services that could not connect to the Advantage Database Server (the SQL backend).

A message about this error is, indeed, displayed only to SysAdmin users.

In case everything seems to be working well, e.g. the Email Connector the Web Interface and other server-side back end functionality, you can delete the textual file that holds this error message.

The text file is stored under:


In addition we recommend to configure ALL RangerMSP services on your server as well as IIS (if used) with "Delayed Start" allowing the SQL engine to load first when restarting the server and only then the services will load and be able to connect.

Hope this helps.
May 9th, 2018, 07:37 AM
Posts: 2
Is there a way to determine which component is throwing the error?
May 9th, 2018, 08:13 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Most probably this error was logged by 'RangerMSP Server' or 'RangerMSP RMM Server' service.

After deleting the text file mentioned above, you may need to restart these services.
May 10th, 2018, 01:01 PM
Posts: 48
I started getting the same error today after doing windows 10 update version 1803.
the error is" Error 6420: The "discovery" process for the advantage database server failed. unable to connect to the Advantage Database Server.axServerConnet.

The odd thing is I have access to the share location is identified, and only my station is having an issue.
May 10th, 2018, 01:31 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
We've received a few other reports about this. Please try to rename the following files (without deleting them):


To ADS.ini-Backup

You may also try adding ADS.exe, which is the SQL backend executable, through the server firewall, maybe limited for local connections (but you can limit it in a later phase once things start to work again.). The RESTART your server.

Hope this helps!
May 11th, 2018, 09:50 AM
Posts: 3
What if we don't have any ADS.ini files in either specified location?
May 11th, 2018, 11:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
It depends what the exact issue is. You may need to define one or allow ADS.exe in your firewall, in case it started after upgrading Windows 10 to 1803.

Hope this helps.
May 11th, 2018, 12:28 PM
Posts: 3
I get the same Error 6420 after updating a client workstation to 1803.
We allowed ADS.exe through the firewall and restarted DB as well as the server machine with no change. Even disabling the firewall altogether on both machines with no change.

Is there a sample ADS.ini file, or what parameters specifically would I need to define in order to bypass discovery?

I have verified that I have access to the server\Commit\DB folder, but we just didn't happen to have an ADS.ini file in Client or LastVer folder which helped others.
May 11th, 2018, 01:47 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for the update. Click here for the details.

Keep us posted with how things go.
May 14th, 2018, 08:36 AM
Posts: 41
I just upgraded my workstation to 1803 and now I am getting this error. Obviously it is a Windows 10 1803 issue and not on the server side as others on my network are not having this problem that are on 1709.

Did any of these suggested solutions work? Any official word from Commit?
May 14th, 2018, 08:44 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
From what we've been reported on - Adding ADS.exe to your firewall (and restarting the hosting server) and/or, in case you're already on RangerMSP 18, renaming the two ads.ini to ads.ini-backup as explained above, normally works.
May 15th, 2018, 03:40 PM
Posts: 3
I had to manually create an ADS.ini file and specify the server/port for the connection to establish correctly.
This is definitely an advantage DB problem with 1803, I've seen other software forums indicating the same kinds of issues after the update.

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