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May 1st, 2015, 07:29 PM
Posts: 19
We are using the API to populate new empty database.
The Account, Asset, Ticket, and Charges are all being created correctly.
However, when on the Account screen, the Asset is correct on the Asset tab, but under the Ticket tab, there is no Ticket listed.
If I look at the Asset on the Asset screen,the Ticket is there.

How can I make the Ticket show when I am looking at the Account screen?

Thank you.
May 2nd, 2015, 05:58 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Is it possible that tickets are imported as 'Closed'? If so this may explain why, by default, you do not see them listed under the Account's Tickets tab - this is because it only shows 'Open' tickets there, but you can change that using the status filtering option located at the bottom of that tab - change it to show all tickets.

Hope this helps.

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