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October 9th, 2013, 10:40 AM
Posts: 524
We have the system set up to automatically send a "ticket closed" email to all the external recipients when a ticket is closed. It works great and is a good way to let the requestor know that we think the problem has been resolved.

There are times thought that I want to close a ticket without generating this automated email. Currently I go into the external recipients list and manually remove all the recipients, then close the ticket. The problem is that I have lost the ability to know who was in the original communication (and if the ticket needs to be re-opened, somehow we need to rebuild this list).

Is there a way to close a ticket without generating the auto response. Maybe we should have a pop up when the "close ticket" button is hit to confirm the sending of the automated response (similar to what happens if there is no resolution or charges in the ticket).


October 9th, 2013, 11:36 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
No, there isn't such an option however there is an option to disable Open/Close email notifications to specific selected Accounts. So, instead of removing the recipients you can disable notifications to the Account, close the ticket, waits for a few minutes (just to be on the safe side) until the alerts server has scanned this ticket close event and noticed that it should not alert the customer and has archived the item, and then enable email alert notifications to this account again.

You can control whether or not an Account gets email alert notifications (either for Open, Close or both) by selecting it in the main Accounts list and from the menu select Account > Email Alerts > Stop... (select the relevant option).

Hope this helps.
October 9th, 2013, 09:47 PM
Posts: 1,146
+1 for this ability.

Sometimes a ticket gets opened in error or the customer already has an open ticket and we want to do all the work on the original ticket.

When we close the second ticket they get an email saying it was closed, and then i get an angry email asking why we closed a ticket for a problem that hasnt been resolved.
October 30th, 2013, 04:07 PM
Posts: 21
+1 for this feature.

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