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December 5th, 2011, 05:22 AM
Posts: 5
Hi there,

I have a client who has some type of change control system. They have asked that all comms for tickets created for their company be sent to this systems email address.

I have read up about the default email address but this seems to only be available when creating a ticket on a customers behalf. Since our customers usually create a ticket with by mail (and we use the Email connector) how would we ensure that a specific email address is added to the ticket recipient list each time ? (no matter which contact within the Account initiated the support ticket email) ?

I look forward to hearing from you.

December 5th, 2011, 06:11 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Darren,

We have a request on file to assign a default email address for an automatic External Recipient to be assigned to any new Ticket created for the customer and regardless of the opening method (Email-2-Ticket, Customer Portal or by technicians). I've just added your vote to this request. Unfortunately the only way to handle it now is to review this customer Tickets and in case the email address is missing add it manually as an External Recipient.


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