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January 14th, 2019, 05:20 AM
Posts: 2
Good Morning,

After installing the latest version of CommitCRM and Linking to QB Desktop (Latest Version) I cannot see account history in CommitCRM. There is a link between the 2 applications, but no history.
The sync process did not have errors and syncing the customer account does not work.

What am I doing wrong.

January 14th, 2019, 06:12 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

We're not 100% sure that we're following you about what exactly does not work in QuickBooks link.
Do you refer that the Accounts not being created in RangerMSP based on customers in QuickBooks?

As you probably know, Charges/invoices are not imported into RangerMSP, but rather invoiced from RangerMSP to QuickBooks.

Please share more details so we will be able to better understand what the exact case is.
January 14th, 2019, 11:48 AM
Posts: 2
Ahh, I thought I would be able to see if a customer has unpaid bills in QB after syncing CommitCRM.

In other words currently in QB CustomerA has a 200 dollar unpaid bill 120 days late..., they call for a service call and I am unaware of this unpaid bill I then schedule a service call and they wind up digging in deeper.

Let me knowq if this is correct, and is there any way to see old history in CommitCRM?

January 14th, 2019, 12:03 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
What you have just described is correct. RangerMSP invoice directly to QuickBooks. Payment (or-non payment) information is managed in QuickBooks.

Hope this helps!

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