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Filtering Labels

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    Filtering Labels

    First I want to say I really like the new labeling solution is Commit 7.0. I have 1 question regarding these. I am wondering if you can "filter out" by label.
    For example, we use a label "Upgrade" ( for clients who need software upgrades) and I create a ticket with the details and accounts and I apply this label for these types of tickets. BUT all of these "Upgrade" tickets tend to clutter up my "Open" tickets view of tickets.
    Is there any way to look at all open tickets excluding those that have a specific label?

    Re: Filtering Labels

    Thanks for your feedback :) That's tricky! You can filter the Open Tickets (or any other view) to list only tickets from a specific labels however you cannot do the opposite - filter out tickets of a selected label. That's an interesting thought. Thanks for posting.

    Related note: Click to learn all about service Ticket labeling and how to automate label assignment.


      Re: Filtering Labels

      Was this request ever turned into a feature request? We have a similar requirement around the RMM integration.

      For us, all tickets generated by the RMM system are labelled with "RMM". We would like to be able to filter out the tickets to show all tickets that do NOT have a label of RMM.


        Re: Filtering Labels

        Mmm, unfortunately no. You can filter by a selected label however you cannot see all tickets except for ones of a selected label.

        Thanks for asking.


          Re: Filtering Labels

          +1 to being able to use labels in all Filters / Reports / Live Data Tiles / etc / etc/ etc


            Re: Filtering Labels

            You should be able to exclude items based on labels as well

