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report showing no activity in date range

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    report showing no activity in date range

    We are looking for a report that can run, just like the accounts with no recent activity, but with a starting date - currently when i run the report for example say prior to january 1, 2014, it will show all non-activity for all previous years, i just want to see the report starting in january 1, 2013.

    this should give me all clients that had their LAST activity in 2013, is this possible ?

    Re: report showing no activity in date range

    There's a 'Since' date right there that, if I understand you correctly, should do just that. It is found in the Pending and History Notes box. Give it a try and see if that works for you.


      Re: report showing no activity in date range

      that "Since" date seems to be the up to date, not the as far back as date - ran that and its still showing 2010-2012 stuff, we just want to see 2013


        Re: report showing no activity in date range

        It's should act as no activity since... meaning if you set it to Jan 1, 2014 you should see a list of customers that you only had the last history event not later than December 31, 2013.


          Re: report showing no activity in date range

          a report with a "Show accounts with no history notes since: 4/1/2014 is 73 pages; while a report with a "Show accounts with no history notes since: 1/1/2011 is 6 pages

          I only want to see accounts with no activity in all of 2013, no earlier (i dont want to see 2010-2012, but i am)


            Re: report showing no activity in date range

            Interesting. We'll need to review this. We'll post back once we have anything. Thanks.


              Re: report showing no activity in date range

              We checked this and all works well and as expected. It is confusing though.

              This report tries to provide you with a list of customers that you had no activity with since a specified day.

              So - when you specified 1/1/2011 you only got 6 pages, because there are much fewer customers that you have not had any activity with, then with the number of customers you haven't had any communication with since last week.

              In other words - the further back you go in "Since" time here, the fewer you the chances are that you did not have any activity with that for so long.

              Ye, that might be confusing but it should make sense after re-thinking about it with the above in mind.

              Hope this helps.


                Re: report showing no activity in date range

                that is what we are finding, and i understand that but it is really not useful as it is - we have used commit since 2009 and we have a TON of clients, which makes that list too large to manage. we just want to see 2013 - so like i said is there a way to see data in a range of jan 1 2013 - dec 31 2013?


                  Re: report showing no activity in date range

                  The report is based on Since... - however - if you track Active/Inactive accounts in the system, then using the Status filtering option for that report (top right), you can select to include only Active records in this report.


                    Re: report showing no activity in date range

                    is there any other way - we do not use active \ inactive


                      Re: report showing no activity in date range

                      Well, if customers don't last as customer for more than 2 years you may use the Account Create Date field, but that's probably not the case. I think that's about it.

