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What do you charge??

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    What do you charge??

    What do you charge for:

    Reformat onsite & workshop?

    Virus Removal onsite & workshop?

    Health Checks onsite & workshop?

    Documents recovery onsite & workshop?

    Re: What do you charge??

    1. Reformat onsite & workshop?
    2. Virus Removal onsite & workshop?
    3. Health Checks onsite & workshop?
    4. Documents recovery onsite & workshop?

    All of our onsite is charged at however long we are on the site. We dont fix rates for jobs, there are too many variables that can cause a job to blowout.

    Generally though, jobs are around the following.
    1. onsite- 2-3hrs (including os install) / workshop- 1-2hrs (inc os install)
    2. onsite- 2-3hrs / workshop- 1-1.5hrs
    3. onsite 1 hour / workshop 1 hour (includes report and can vary depending on # of servers, workstations etc)
    4. DR- variable.


      Re: What do you charge??

      I agree with Project3IT. We bill for however many hours we are onsite. There are way too many things that can go wrong with fixed prices. Billing per hour is the easiest way.

      If we are onsite for 15 minutes, the client gets billed for 1 hour. If we are onsite for 1 hour and 15 minutes, the client gets billed for 1.5 hours.

      This way works well as long as you communicate it to your clients BEFORE you go onsite.

      Brad Kendall

