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December 21st, 2012, 09:28 AM
Posts: 942
So, as we all know... CommitCRM does some things really well, and others... could use some improvement.

One area where we've been beating our heads against a wall is the area of client documentation. Turns out there is a great tool that will do this better than CommitCRM (or any other PSA) probably will ever do.

http://www.siportal.com/ - they offer one free single user account - and the software is very reasonably priced as well. We are running it on our local server, but that have a SaaS model as well.

Using the CommitCRM web links - you can create links back into SIPortal from an account and a ticket level to make it easy to pull up account documentation from CommitCRM.

If this is an area where you are struggling, I would encourage you to go get an account and give it a test drive.

...last, but not least. Merry Christmas!

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