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2FA Authentication

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    2FA Authentication

    May I know what 2FA authentication solution you guys recommended where we can run either Google authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator to get the 2FA pin code.

    Thank You

    Re: 2FA Authentication


    we're in need of something here too. I think 2 Factor auth might come in future but don't know when that might be.

    I've asked support but thing we really need is some kind of basic account lockout if someone tries to brute force a password. We can close off the web interface to protect it for now. Bit worried there is no security on this.


      Re: 2FA Authentication

      You'll get mostly silence from commit on this issue. They have recommended some convoluted IIS security method you can try that SOMEONE ELSE came up with. Commit doesn't even provide basic lockout alerts.


        Re: 2FA Authentication

        2FA is coming!

        True, for secure connections use IIS as the Web server for RangerMSP together with SSL certificates.

        Hope this helps.


          Re: 2FA Authentication

          We use both of those. That still leaves protection from a dictionary attack.

          Basic account lockouts when wrong password entered X amount of times would go very far in providing additional and easy security.


            Re: 2FA Authentication

            We're using both IIS & SSL as well.
            I still felt with 2FA will generally helps against brute force attack especially quite a lot of hackers target MSP nowadays.


              Re: 2FA Authentication

              We have implemented 2FA across all of our platforms that support it (RMM, Screenconnect, O365) and CommitCRM is the last one on our list.

              Glad to know it's coming. Is there any rough ETA for it on the roadmap?


                Re: 2FA Authentication

                Thanks. A non-official answer would be - hopefully in our next release this summer.


                  Re: 2FA Authentication

                  Use a WAF and only allow outside access from it. This will provide the security you need.


                    Re: 2FA Authentication

                    Where are things at with 2FA?


                      Re: 2FA Authentication

                      You can enable 2FA by visiting Tools > Options > Web Interface (Admin) tab in RangerMSP.

                      Hope this helps.

