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How can I get an overall view of the activity performed today/this week in RangerMSP?

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    How can I get an overall view of the activity performed today/this week in RangerMSP?

    How can I get an overall view of the activity performed today/this week usingRangerMSP?

    * We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.

    Re: How can I get an overall view of the activity performed today/this week in RangerMSP

    You may use different views in RangerMSP in order to receive some overall perspective of the activity.

    To view upcoming activity you can use the Account's Pending tab which shows all Tasks, Appointments, Opportunities and Tickets pending for this Account.

    To get an overall view of the activity which performed in a specific dates range, you can use the History Window (click the History Icon on the left pane) and filter the activity viewed by dates and types. This way you can view all of the activity that was performed in this date range, such as new Tickets, Documents, History Notes, Charges and more.

    If you wish to view a specific Account's activity history, you can view the Account's History tab which shows an audit of all activity which was already performed for this Account, including History Notes, Documents, Appointments, Tickets, Opportunities, etc. Note that you can check the Detail check box at the bottom of this tab in order to view detailed events which are linked to this Account, such as new Charges which were added to Tickets which belong to this Account.

