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Hiding Items cost details

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    Hiding Items cost details

    How can I hide the items details (such as Cost) from all my employees, I don’t want them to see the cost of all my products as that is listed on the Items list inRangerMSP.

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    Re: Hiding Items cost details

    You can use the privileges for this purpose. Each employee is linked to a certain privileges group. You may either update an existing group or create a special privileges group for employees by going to File > Privileges, and in this window, click the blue "Privileges Group V" menu and select "New".

    In order to prevent employees from seeing costs, you should un-check the "Items" privilege – this way they will be able to select the Item in the pull down menu from the Item field in the Charge window, but they will not be able to view the detailed Items list in the Items window (when clicking the items icon on the left pane the system will not let them open the window). Only privileges users will be able to view and edit this Items list.

    You may read some more about Privileges in RangerMSP here.


