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September 17th, 2020, 03:38 PM
Posts: 1,146
This seems to be happening (sometimes) since we switched our mail server to Office 365. I still need to find the cause so i can fix it.

I created a ticket for a client on 9/14/20. The ticket has a valid external recipient and a valid ticket manager.

Neither received a notification. The audit mailbox shows no email for the ticket number around the data & time of the ticket, and the history tab in the ticket does not show an email being sent out.

Since the history tab does not show an email being sent I assume it was not sent. The question is why not?

The employee/ticket manager is set to receive notification for new tickets. He receives notification for other tickets assigned to him.

The client's email address is valid. Even if it wasn't, we would have gotten some sort of NDR.

How do I find out why the notifications were not sent?
September 18th, 2020, 06:17 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

We may try to review the log files and see whether any information or error was logged there.

Please zip the content of the \Logs folder and share it with us over email/Drive/Dropbox.

Please also email us the Ticket number and email addresses of the client and the employee in the question.

September 18th, 2020, 01:06 PM
Posts: 5
Hey I work with nattivillin. This doesn't seem to be an isolated incident.
September 18th, 2020, 01:19 PM
Posts: 1,146
Turns out tickets created manually are not sending the new ticket notifications. Notifications are going on for tickets created by the connector.

Did we accidentally turn something off?
September 18th, 2020, 02:01 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
It's possible that what you see is this -

The Email Connector sends auto-responses to emails that comes in and automatically create new service tickets. These aren't "alerts" per-se but rather auto responses to confirm the reception of the email and that a new ticket created from it.

Alerts to Customers is a different features, that covers globally and alerts customers as configured. This can be turned on under Tools > Options > Alerts to Customers tab. Make sure it's configured and turned ON.

Also run the ServerConfig utility to verify that in general the Alerts feature is turned ON too (it can it isn't - turn it on and then restart CRM Server service on your server).

Hope this helps!
September 18th, 2020, 05:39 PM
Posts: 1,146
Tools > Options > Alerts to customers is on. Set to send for newly created tickets and tickets being closed.

Alert server is turned on in server config. It says 214 events in queue. The QSysEDOutbox folder is empty. We monitor this folder for "clogs" because things have gotten stuck in there before.

How are we notified that there are 214 things stuck in the queue?

I restarted the CRMserver service and 214 things are still in there...

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