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June 20th, 2011, 02:07 PM
Posts: 1,146
I cant find where to do this. We need a field where we can free-type the Quickbooks invoice number. I need it to work on the client and web interface.

Point me in the right direction?
June 21st, 2011, 06:44 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Under the 'Details' tab of the Ticket details window you will find some pre-defined custom fields. For example 'Field1'. Double click the label and change the field name and field label to 'QuickBooks#' and you're done.

June 23rd, 2011, 08:19 AM
Posts: 1,146
Can we add new fields entirely?
June 23rd, 2011, 08:23 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Yes, you can add a complete set of new custom fields to Tickets (as well as Accounts/Assets/etc.)

Click here to learn how (check the Field Customization option).

June 23rd, 2011, 07:52 PM
Posts: 1,146
Where exactly is field 1, field 2?
June 23rd, 2011, 07:54 PM
Posts: 1,146
Ok i found them, we have already renamed them and are using them for other things. Now i have to figure out how to make a field 4.
June 23rd, 2011, 08:24 PM
Posts: 1,146
So i read the guide (twice) and i still cant add a new field to an existing tab.

I want to add a free text field called QB invoice # to the resolution tab. Then people can type in the invoice number when they fill out the resolution.

I created a new field [invoice #] and then attempted to add it to the tab [resolution] I select my field, hit add, then i come back to a window with only close or cancel.

Im lost.
June 24th, 2011, 06:26 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
New data fields can be added to new tabs.

However, you can add system fields to new tabs you create so in most cases the result is almost similar.
The Resolution/History tab you mentioned is a complex tab (History List and the Resolution field) and therefore you won't be able to place both items on your customized new tab. You can place the Resolution field though.

June 24th, 2011, 03:24 PM
Posts: 1,146
So you cant add new fields to existing tabs?
June 27th, 2011, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
New data fields can be added to new tabs not system tabs. To mix new data fields with system fields on the same tab place system fields on your customized tab - this tab can holds both fields.

June 30th, 2011, 09:51 AM
Posts: 1,146
We can create new tabs with new fields, but cant add new fields to existing (system) tabs?

Just want to make sure i have it right.
June 30th, 2011, 10:58 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can add system fields to new tabs by selecting them from the list (displayed when entering customization mode) and clicking the button below then - then point the place on your customized tab where you want the field to be located.


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