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September 8th, 2021, 09:01 AM
Posts: 7
I keep getting these messages from notify@itsupport247.net:

CommitCRM Integration Notification System

13 unique updates from NOC team pending to be downloaded by CommitCRM system.

ITSupport247 LAB

What do I do to deal with these? Is there some setting I missed?
September 8th, 2021, 11:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

This message comes from Continuum unlike RangerMSP and it tries to say that for some reasons some of the updates in Continuum hasn't been downloaded/synced.

It's hard to tell what the cause for this problem is without reviewing and analyzing your log files in our lab. Hopefully the root cause is listed there, otherwise you'll need to discuss this with Continuum.

Please zip the content of the \Logs folder and share it with us over Email/Drive/DropBox/etc.

Once the analysis is complete we'll share an update with you and we'll continue from there.

Hope this helps!

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