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Quotes feature request - hyperlink and parts repository

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    Quotes feature request - hyperlink and parts repository

    Hi Team

    I'm just doing a quote in CommitCRM for a client. We have only recently started using this feature (up to Quote number 70). It would be nice to be able to add an HTML link to a product web page or product image, so when the recipient receives the PDF they can 'click to see more information' on line items.

    When we quote on a desktop PC, I am adding a line item DESKTOP which has a generic description that I then customise. If I was able to type into a Manufacturers Part Number field and tick a box 'save to quote repository' so the next time I was quoting a desktop and was using that same manufacturers part number, the last saved description was retrieved for me. (If anyone uses manufacturers part numbers for their Items and therefore has a large list of Items, I would be interested to hear how this works for you.)

    The same could be applied to text comments - being able to pluck a block of text from a saved selection. I could also do this using Notepad and a special folder on our server. :)

    CommitCRM Team can you please put the above in two separate entries in your Feature Request pile. Others might like to add a +1 or -1 to this request.

    I had quick Forums search and could not see a similar request.


    Re: Quotes feature request - hyperlink and parts repository

    Thank you for posting this.

    HTML link in Quotes - you can already add an URL in Quote line description or in Item description (and it will be copied to Quote Line). Then, when quote is printed to PDF there link will be clickable (though the link is not underlined). Give it a try.

    As for saving a block of text and using it later - the option is already available and you can enter list of predefined texts for every free-text field.
    For example, in Quote Line description you can define and add such predefined text using keyboard shortcut F8 or by using right-click > Insert Predefined Text.
    You can set manufacture part number as a text name to easily retrieve it.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Quotes feature request - hyperlink and parts repository

      Hmmmmm... maybe I need to RTFM.

      THANK YOU Commit Team. I had no idea about the clickable links (the ability to colour them would be really nice to make them obvious to clients), and now you mention it, I vaguely remember the predefined text being announced as a feature of a previous version.


