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May 21st, 2008, 06:14 PM
Posts: 524
it would be incredibly beneficial if, when looking at charges in a list (or charges in a ticket) if we could have a total @ the bottom (total hours, total units, total $'s, etc.). The idea is to open a ticket, have it display only labor items and get a total hours on the ticket....


May 21st, 2008, 06:27 PM
Posts: 524
OK -- I found some of this function in reports but it isn't easy to get to and takes too much time to gerneate... first, when an account is selected (when setting up the report generation options), the tickets drop down should only show tickets that apply to the specific account.... finding the specific ticket is a pain!


May 22nd, 2008, 06:18 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi ray,

Thanks for your questions.

Indeed reports allow you to easily view the Charges total. Note that you can very easily generate a Ticket Charge report from within the Ticket window - when viewing the Ticket, click the Print/Print Preview icon on the tool bar, and select the ticket form report you wish to view. This will generate the report for the selected Ticket, and will save you the need of selecting the Account/Ticket in the reports generation window.


May 30th, 2008, 11:40 AM
Posts: 524
not trying to be too negative but for those of us that don't live in commitcrm, working with reports is not an easy thing -- they are hard to set up (even finding the correct report to run is a task), slow to run and the formatting is always screwed up (even customized forms)....

May 30th, 2008, 12:05 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

We know that our users have created numerous different reports and customized reports and that it have been working well. Reports also runs pretty fast as, unless processing a very large chunk of data (and even then it should be quite fast). I am not trying to say all is perfect (we have some items on our to do list) but the ability to create your own reports in RangerMSP, design them to your needs, add images, select the fonts, sizes etc. is there and people achieve great results. Yes, we know there is a learning curve to use the report designer and that some parts can be easier and we'll be enhancing this in the future.

The system comes with many predefined reports (that can be copied and customized).
This is exactly in order to let you use existing formats instead of customizing your own.
The reports are grouped by categories to help you find the right report format for the job. Each Report has a name that tells what it should be used for (or what it displays). However, the best option would be to actually spend some time and print the reports that you believe will work for you best and learn their formats, structure and content. I believe you will find the right reports for the job.

Finally, you may consider using ODBC to access the database tables directly and customized reports using any third party reporting tool that supports ODBC (there are many reporting tools that does).


May 30th, 2008, 02:59 PM
Posts: 524
sorry to be such a curmudgeon…. I’m just getting frustrated with how much work I have to do to get simple tasks done. It just seems to me that things like tickets (and the charges window) should show totals @ the bottom and contracts should only show charges marked as billable and we should be able to invoice (filter) accounts/tickets based on the status and….

For all that, I do want to mention that I recommend the commitcrm product all the time to other consultants – I think it’s a super product for small shops….



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