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November 29th, 2007, 11:10 AM
Product User
Posts: 123
How can I view work hours for each of my employees?

* We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.
November 29th, 2007, 11:14 AM
Product User
Posts: 123
You can go to Reports > Charges, and generate Monthly Hours Summary by Employee report. You can also use the Billable Hours Chart by Employee in order to compare performance between your employees. This can also help you track missing hours reports in case employees with a low number of hours forgot to report some work which was performed.
November 29th, 2007, 08:40 PM
Posts: n/a
this report is one of the good ones but it needs some work! First, we need the times to go to 2 decimals... the current truncation to a single decimal causes rounding issues (rounding 0.25 to 0.3 screws up our tables). Second, we need to have this report available in a per week format (vs. the monthly report) and finally, the averages are thrown off if an employee worked a day but had no billables... we need a way to indicate that an employee worked each day but may not have billed anything (some how, entering and showing a zero hours billed in the report for that day).


November 30th, 2007, 02:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Ray,

Notes taken, we will check what we can do with the totals second decimal truncation rounding behavior. Also, a weekly report format for the "Monthly summary by employee" report is already on our to-do list, I hope we will get to it soon. Note that currently you can use the Employee Charges Summary report which is in a different format but can be very useful as well, and it can be filtered by date for different date ranges.

A note regarding the billable hours in the report - you can filter the report to display billable and not-billable hours (or both). Generally, we recommend to work in a way where the technicians log ALL of their work (including hours which are not going to be billed, such as working on a block-of-hours contracts) as Charges inRangerMSP. You can set the Charge to be not-billable (in the check box on the bottom-right corner of the Charge window) if needed. Note that if the techs perform internal office work, they can log these hours as Charges linked to your own company Account, and this way you will have full coverage of the working hours per technician.



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