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September 25th, 2009, 07:51 AM
Posts: 10
We usually try to assign a specific technician to handle the same customer. We found out most customers prefer it but it's become a hassle when too many customers ask for a specific technician. Do you always assign the same technician to provide service to a specific customer, or just select any available technician to do the job? Appreciate any tips and advice on this.
September 26th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Posts: 43
In terms of providing best service, if a customer is used to a technician and already formed good relations with her/him, sending the same technician means keeping the customer happy. In terms of your business, it means less flexibility. When it comes to weighing one against the other I’d go for happier customers as a rule of thumb, and always send the technician preferred by the customer. If the technician is unavailable I send another technician. And… it always helps to reassure the customer you decided to send another technician so that he gets fast service.
October 2nd, 2009, 03:07 AM
Posts: 63
We always have a primary consultant for each client. One point of contact makes EVERYTHING so much easier. If they are not available, and something needs doing now, then we have other techs we can use, but I try not to juggle them too much - Best to establish the relationship as chrisits says..
October 6th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Posts: 1,146
We try to keep the same tech on the same jobs, keeps customers happier. If its an emergency, they could care less, otherwise we just schedule when a customer is available.

We actually use this to motivate our techs. We tell new hires "if you keep the customers happy, they will keep requesting you" More requests = more jobs = more $$

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