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May 13th, 2008, 04:39 PM
Posts: 42
When creating assets for clients, i.e. hardware/software or other, we try to complete as much entry needed to help manage the item. Completing the vendor information within the asset should result in benefits when creating a ticket again this specific asset. To explain here's an example.

We just installed a line of business application, so we added the Vendor as an account, their (800) support number, their support email address, the link to their support website. Then we created an Asset under the clients account for this LOB application, and specified the vendor. In the future when I create a ticket against this item it would be nice for us to able to see the vendors (800), email support address, link to the support website all from within the ticket.

Is this possible already and how?
May 14th, 2008, 06:33 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Hi brills,

You can use various ways in order to view the vendor's information from the Asset. for example. you can easily view the vendor information by right-clicking the vendor name, and selecting "Show business Card" for a quick glance at the address and phone numbers, or "Show Account" for viewing the full details.

From the Ticket window, you can show the Asset and then view the vendor details as explained. Another option is to add the vendor contact information to the Asset description field, as this field is displayed in the Ticket window, under the Contract/Asset tab.

I see how allowing a "shortcut" way to view vendor contact information automatically from the ticket can be helpful, and I logged this to be further considered. Thanks for the feedback.


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