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Ramp up service

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    Ramp up service

    Hello all,

    We've been using CommitCRM for a little over a year. When we started with Commit, it took about a month, maybe two, to look back and realize wow this program is really valuable to our business. Every month we find new ways to better utilize the program.

    Just curious how many would be interested in a ramp up service, where after purchasing Commit, you get help from a peer on how to get the most out of CommitCRM and how to use the program to transform your business.

    Just curious to see if there's a market for this type of service.

    Thank you,
    Brian Williams
    Advantech NW

    Re: Ramp up service

    Hi Brian,
    We're currently in our trial period. I am the only person using it and it's an amazing product. I would be interested in this service, and I'm certain the rest of our users would be interested.

    It would be valuable to know how another business like ours is using the product.


