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January 4th, 2009, 05:17 PM
Posts: 3
I have a months worth of tickets entered into Excel. Can these be imported intoCommitCRM?
January 4th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Posts: 1
I'm about to CommitCRM toCommitCRM. I've been using a service order application that supports exporting work orders into a Excel format. It would be fantastic if I were able to migrate this intoCommitCRM. I'm very interested as well.
January 5th, 2009, 08:22 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Guys,

Thank you for the feedback. We are always looking for ways to improve RangerMSP and providing more importing options seems a good one. The system currently allows importing items, assets, accounts, documents and knowledge-base articles. I will add your vote to allow also importing tickets, which is unfortunately not supported at this stage.

Right now what you may consider is filing the history work orders or tickets for each customer as an Excel file under the account - you will be able to easily open it to see history by double clicking it.

To use this option, you should first export each customer's tickets to a separate Excel file, and drag the into RangerMSP when the account's window is open. This will create a document and will link the document to the account. Each document can be easily opened from the account's Docs folder by double-clicking the document. This way you will have access to the history for this customer.

I hope this helps for now.


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