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March 9th, 2018, 08:32 AM
Posts: 1,146
I posted this earlier in the wrong place:

We want to stay on top of hardware that should be replaced by a certain date. CMT gives us the following date options:

Warranty Expiration
Purchase Date
Delivered Date
Installed Date

Neither of these work as a "replacement date" function. I would like a monthly report on items requiring replacement next month so we can plan, sell, and install.

We tried using warranty expiration, but that doesn't work either.

What is everyone else using to track replacement dates for equipment?
March 9th, 2018, 09:42 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Thank you for asking.

First - you can add a new custom field, date based, name it 'replacement date' and filter reports by it.

In any case, you mentioned that you tried to use the Warranty Expiration for this and it did not work. Why is that? What did not work exactly? I mean, it's a date field with plenty of predefined reports filtering against it already.
March 13th, 2018, 09:51 AM
Posts: 1,146
I will add a custom date field, I didn't think of that.

The warranty field works great for warranty, but not for replacement dates.

Case in point, a UPS has a 1 year warranty, but the batteries have a 3 year lifespan. If we use the warranty date for the replacement date, someone could replace a UPS free of charge at the 2 year mark because commit says "it is in warranty".

Replacement date is a sales opportunity for customers who don't want to wait until things die.

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