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July 3rd, 2017, 10:25 AM
Posts: 2
ASAP Please. Web interface often times-out whilst I am working on client systems, and the full app through VPN is too slow.
July 3rd, 2017, 10:49 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for asking.

The configuration depends on how how you use the Web interface - as a Windows service or using Microsoft IIS.

First - you need to change the timeout by editing the following .ini file:


and set/change the value for the following token in minutes:


(The default is 60 and it means 60 minutes).


In case you use RangerMSP Web Interface as a Windows service - RESTART that service. Done.

In case you use Microsoft IIS it is solely managed by IIS.

So regular IIS timeout settings apply.

You can try BOTH items below, though depending on your IIS configuration you may need to tweak other things as well.

1. Under IIS Advanced settings for the Application Pool:

2. Under the Web site - Advanced Settings:

RESTART IIS to apply the change.

Hope this helps.

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