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Dispatch Modification

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    Dispatch Modification

    We LOVE that you can go ahead and drag tickets from the "Tickets Marked to Dispatch" portion and throw them up onto a technicians daily plan, however it would be really awesome to have the ability to drag those tickets back down into the "Tickets Marked to Dispatch" if they do not get completed in that day and need to be rescheduled instead of going through and opening each individual ticket and remarking them. Having to do so slows down productivity.

    Re: Dispatch Modification

    Thanks for your feedback! We will take a note about back-dragging the ticket to have it 'show in the dispatcher' again. What you may do now, if you know who you're going to schedule it for, is to copy the original schedule/appointment (that one that you wanted to drop back to the tickets list there) - when you do it'll get assigned to the relevant/selected technician and will automatically already be linked to the ticket.


      Re: Dispatch Modification


