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August 1st, 2011, 04:48 PM
Red Five IT
Posts: 13
Currently, when you update a ticket's charge with a labor item, the charge is added to the ticket and reflected correctly as a charge. However, the appointment is not updated on the calendar with the correct timeslot. The only reference you have is when you have "Highlight Charged" selected, the ticket is marked in Green. Is it possible to update the actual time slot as well? It would be nice to see if any ticket charges are overlapping, or not entered correctly.

For instance, you have a ticket attached to a appointment and it is scheduled from 1pm to 3pm. When you update the Ticket and add a labor charge, the appointment turns green, as a charge has been applied. However, If the tech worked from 1:15PM to 4:30PM, the appointment is still reflected on the calendar from 1PM to 3pm.
August 2nd, 2011, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for asking. The Appointment listed in the Calendar are not automatically updated to reflect the parallel Charge. This is done on purpose. For example, it's possible that you do not want to bill for the entire time the technician visited at the customer site. While the Appointment will reflect that actual time on-site, the parallel Charge will only reflect the actual time you want to bill. Another scenario is that you will be adding more than a single Charge for the Appointment, each can have their own time set and their own billable time.

In any case, this is an interesting topic and idea and we will give it some thinking.

August 2nd, 2011, 07:28 AM
Red Five IT
Posts: 13
When a tech is normally onsite it is always normally billable, or non-billable as a Block of Time - maintenance charge. If it is truly non-billable, our policy is to create a separate ticket for that non-billable task and then record the time associated. It is our goal to have 100% of a tech's time accounted for. The current calendar system, makes it very hard to distinguish at a quick glance to verify that all the time is accounted for. Yes, you can run reports and look at the actual labor charges; but this is difficult and time consuming.

The second scenario, would also apply to the same situation. If you have two appointments for the same ticket, I would like both labor charges reflected on the calendar, when the tech turns the appointment into a labor charge.

I could then take a quick look at the calendar and notice that the tech finished up his work and is ready to be dispatched to the next task.

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