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November 26th, 2009, 09:02 AM
Posts: 37

I am trying to count tickets so I can create graphs in Excel. Rather than exporting data I would rather have some custom reports that give me ticket counts and then I can enter data into Excel manually. Examples of the values I'm trying to count are:

Tickets opened in a time period
Tickets closed in a time period
Number of tickets in each priority level in a time period


November 26th, 2009, 10:57 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Nick,

Thanks for posting this.

We suggest filtering the list to each value you'd like to count, and once you've filtered the list to only show those tickets, you can Right-Click the list > Table Options > Count Table Rows.

To filter the list to see the values you've listed below, please use the Advanced Filter, located in the toolbar > filter button, and filter the list with these filters for each value.

Tickets opened in a time period - Creation Date

Tickets closed in a time period - Close Date

Number of tickets in each priority level in a time period - Priority

BTW, same filtering options will also work for reports, so you can print out a Tickets List report and see the total numbers at the end of the report.

Let us know if this provides you with the solution you are after..

Reno Breen
November 27th, 2009, 07:48 AM
Posts: 37
Thanks for the reply Reno.

Would there be a way to create a custom report that gives a ticket count without listing all the tickets? My ideal report would list each customer and then a count for open, closed and maybe priority.

The counts included in the built in reports just seem to count all the tickets in the report. Could it be customised to count all open and all closed?


November 27th, 2009, 11:17 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hey Nick,

You can customize the reports to show only the summary, without the ticket details. Do do this just copy the report, click the Design button and remove all the "data" fields from the report, leaving only the summaries.

As for having all parameters listed in a single report, we do not have such a report at the moment. You can create the summaries by filtering the tickets list report and show the different criteria each time.

As you mentioned, you can always export the tickets list, with the priority, creation date, close date, etc. to Excel and use Pivot table which are a great way to show summaries and statistics. Even regular formulas should work well for you.

I hope this helps.


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