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June 19th, 2009, 07:20 PM
Posts: 23
Hello all,

I am wondering how can I use CommitCRM to track customer assets? So that when a customer drops off a computer for repair, I can enter in the make (Dell), the model/model number (Dimension 2400), the serial number/service tag (1234ABCD), and or other fields like OS (Windows XP SP3/Vista/etc)?

This isn't a high priority issue for my shop, but I'd like to be able to track issues with systems and then have that information print out on any documents I create to have the customer sign. That way they are assured it was their system that was worked on. Also, I can make notes in the CommitCRM system that can tie into a given system as some customers have numerous computers that need to be worked on and from time to time I have to reference such information. It'd be nice to be able to have some sort of asset tagging for a customer system that could be associated not only with the documents I mentioned above, but tickets so I know which tickets (or notes I wrote for the system) went to which computer etc.

That way if a customer asks about what was work was performed on the system, we can show them, and can even tell them over the phone if the tech who did the work isn't here when the customer calls.

Advice? Thoughts?

June 22nd, 2009, 08:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Bradley,

Have you had a look RangerMSP's Asset Management feature? I believe it provides exactly with what you need.

Each Asset in RangerMSP contains a lot of information about the Asset (manufacturer, serial number, location and much more), and can be associated with a specific customer. You can also link documents to the Asset, and create tickets which are linked to the Asset, so when you print a full ticket's details report, you can also see the asset's details. you can also use Asset specific reports when needed. You can filter asset lists according to the customer they are linked to, and much more.

I recommend that you have a look in our Asset Management Guide here. It contains lots of useful information about assets and how they can be used.


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