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Smartphones and Tablets

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    Smartphones and Tablets

    Is there ever likely to be a graphically pleasing and simple to use phone/.fablet/tablet interface to CommitCRM?

    Using the web interface feels clumsy at best. Just trying to get a charge record is slow.

    Thanks, S.

    Re: Smartphones and Tablets

    Thank you for your feedback. We may offer a native mobile app at some point. As you may have seen over time we continuously enhance the Web interface and make more and more friendly on various mobile devices. Our next release will introduce several enhancements in this direction too where it'll be much much faster to add Charges for Tickets, among others.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Smartphones and Tablets

      I would be very interested in a more "field worker" aimed mobile offering. It doesn't have to be a native app, but a mobile iPhone friendly web app. I love everything about the desktop version of CommitCRM, but have not been able to implement it (currently we're with Tigerpaw One) because techs cannot record time quickly on their iPhones.

      When I activate the timer function from the phone, as soon as the page refreshes (which happens regardless of intent on iPhone if the page was idle for more than 4 minutes), the timer is lost. It would be great if the timer could be entered in to the database so the "start" is not forgotten, then I can tell CommitCRM when to "end" either from my phone or back at the office.

      I like the features of our current mobile implementation as the tech logs in and sees their schedule. Then taps their ticket and starts a drive-time timer. One on site, taps the On-Site timer to start the work log. Charges can be entered and then the tech taps the On-Site timer again to end the timer. There's a bunch of other stuff, but that's the part we use everyday.

      I've considered writing my own web-app to do these tasks, but I would need a real two-way API with CommitCRM.

      Anyways, my intention is not to complain about CommitCRM. I would love to buy it today, but I've never made it past the trial phase because of issues recording field tech time. Please let me know if some features like I mentioned will be available so I can switch!



        Re: Smartphones and Tablets

        Thank you for posting this.

        As you may be aware of already, the Web interface feature of RangerMSP does let technicians log their times for tracking and billing purposes, including using a timer, as well as allows them to use and update mostly anything else using their mobile devices (tickets, accounts, assets, items, quotes, sales opportunities, notes, etc.).

        Web Timers works on the client, e.g. Browser, side of things though a complete disconnect from the Internet might break them. Thank you for suggesting implementing database-based Timers that are tracked from the server side. We'll look into that.

        You also mentioned API - RangerMSP does offer a power API that you can use (and have been used by many others) to implement a wide range of integrations and other solutions. See API.

        Hope this helps!


          Re: Smartphones and Tablets

          We've been using CommitCRM for about 5 yrs and struggle with the lack of Mobile App daily. So much so that we are currently considering ditching CommitCRM for another product that is mobile friendly. We like CommitCRM for everything except the mobile side. And it's getting to be a sticking point... We may just see about developing an Android App ourselves and reselling... may be cheaper than changing to a new system!


            Re: Smartphones and Tablets

            Thank you for your feedback! For what it worth, using the mobile/Responsive Web interface in the field to log Charges and Close Tickets is going to be much easier in our coming release. It should enter Beta shortly.

