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April 19th, 2021, 11:44 AM
Posts: 13
I am trying to automatically generate tickets to the correct for our customer monitored devices. An example is: I have a NVR and a hard drive fails. It is set to send us an email alert. I would like to be able to automatically enter a ticket based on the email. Instead of generating an separate email address for each site, I would like to use the one email address that is sending the alert to us and have it automatically generate a ticket for the correct customer. I see that you have this feature now. Can you please send me the correct steps on setting this up. I have over 1000 devices that I have to set this up on and would like to do it with the least amount of testing and troubleshooting.

I also have total control of the subject line in the email that is being sent to us.

Thank you

April 19th, 2021, 12:15 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Yes, the Automated Emails feature of the Email Connector offers just that. Please follow the link to learn all about configuring it.

Hope this helps!
April 19th, 2021, 02:13 PM
Posts: 13
It is not working. I tried multiple ways and the email will not create a ticket to the account. Goes to manual processing.
April 20th, 2021, 06:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Please make sure that the 'CRM Server' Windows service is restarted on your server after configuring and editing the Automated Email Rules.

In case the email was sent for manual processing, it is possible that the Account or Asset Detection rule were not configured or the Account/Asset could not be found based on the rule.

It would be great if you could share the exact details with us - a sample email/s sent from these devices and also provide us with the screenshot of the Automated Rules you configured and we will try to assist. Please share over email at Support@... Thanks.

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