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June 19th, 2013, 06:14 AM
Posts: 15
I am currently undergoing a customer audit and sifting out old customer accounts both written and in digital format, specifically for those customers that have either moved away from area, I have not had contact with for a long time, or those who no longer require support.

I was wondering if there was a way to do the same with Commit, by carrying out a similar housekeeping exercise and cleaning the database of unwanted records.


Brian KING
Computech 2000 Computer Services
June 19th, 2013, 08:20 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
While in theory you can delete the records in RangerMSP, I suspect that this will take a lot of time to implement as each customer account probably has tickets, notes, charges, documents, email messages, sales opportunities, etc. - a lot of information that should be deleted prior to delete the customer. We recommend setting the customer status to inactive and filter accordingly. Many times the list of contacts is long so users normally search instead of browsing the list looking for records, so simply keeping the customer accounts does not help as much as it may seems. Anyway, the delete option is always there but it's probably not practical. Thanks for asking.

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