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September 15th, 2015, 08:39 AM
Posts: 10
Good morning, I have a client who is a local government entity. All labor is taxable, but all hardware is not.

So far the way that i have achieved meeting this need is creating a generic product/part that is non taxed. However, i noticed this morning when converting a quote that we won to a ticket with charges, then billing the products to an invoice in QuickBooks, that the tax flag was set. I had to remove the flag from the QB invoice prior to sending on to the customer.

My question is, Is there a way to do this so i can set what is taxable and what is not in Commit for an account? I can't set them as exempt, as labor is taxable.
September 15th, 2015, 09:21 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
When generating QuickBooks invoices from RangerMSP, the taxes are set and calculated solely by QuickBooks. Therefore, you should review the tax settings for the customer and items in QuickBooks.

Hope this helps.

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