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July 30th, 2019, 06:44 AM
Posts: 24
We would like to set the "Region" column to display the South region first followed by North.
I understand we can click on the Region column and has it in ascending order or descending but it there a way to set it for all users to show South Region customers first followed by North Region Customers.

Thank you,
July 30th, 2019, 07:41 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

It is possible to save the Accounts window sorted by the Region column so it will be loaded in this mode when starting the application.
First, the user should sort the Accounts list by the Region column in the descending order and then use the option under the Windows menu > Save current open windows configuration for next logins.

Please note that these are personal settings and should be set by each user. Also note that this affects the Accounts window that opens when the system loads, but not additional Accounts windows displayed during the session.

You may also use this trick: Edit the Region dropdown and use values such as:
1 - South
2 - North
As a result, the default alphabetical sort by Region will show "1 - South" entries first.

Hope this helps.

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