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How to interpret Exceptions field in Contracts table

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    How to interpret Exceptions field in Contracts table

    How are custom billing settings encoded in the contracts table? I need to find contracts that are using certain exceptions, or in other cases, missing exceptions.

    Below is an example. I put each item on a separate line for clarity, all are run together in the Exceptions field. Also not shown is what must be a special delimiter (hex 7F) character at the end of each. Obviously the RecID for the items is there and probably Y=Yes, N=No, C=? "chargeable" for the billing status checkbox?


    Thanks for providing some details on what the Y/N/C coding means.

    Re: How to interpret Exceptions field in Contracts table

    Thank you for posting this.

    The Item exceptions set for the Contracts (under the Custom Settings) are saved in the BContracts table as part of the EXCEPTIONS field in the following way:
    Item Record ID (RECID) = [allowed / not allowed] , [billable / not billable]

    First value is Y or N and means whether the item is allowed (Y) or not allowed (N) to use with the Contract
    The second value refers to the billable flag (billable/not billable) is Y/N or C - depending on the Contract type.
    For Global Contract where the billable flag can be customized - the value can be Y (billable) or N (not billable).
    For other Contract types - the value will be 'C' that means that the billable flag is defined by the Contract type.

    You should be able to search within the EXCEPTIONS using LIKE condition, for example: LIKE '%ITMKVFPU6I5RJ0RNBY2%'

    In addition, there may be exception for the entire group (Labor/Expense/Parts) that are saved in the following fields:
    Values Y or N (Y is a default value).

    Values : Y (billable) or N (not billable) or C (by Contract).

    Please also note that the Contract may be based on the Billing Plan and in such case the billing settings and exceptions are defined in the Billing Plan.
    When the Contract is based on the Billing Plan, there will be a value in Contracts.BPLANRECID field that represents the BPlan.RECID.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: How to interpret Exceptions field in Contracts table

      Thanks for all those details. Pretty complicated stuff but you've laid it all out.

