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June 4th, 2018, 08:05 PM
Posts: 14

Our provider has changed mail servers and now we cant get any imap or pop3 mail from our host. We have verified everything with them and they are now asking what mail protocols are using for email in CommitCRM and the versions supported..
June 5th, 2018, 01:45 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

RangerMSP Email Connector uses POP3 for receiving emails and SMTP for sending emails.

You can also use the encrypted connections (SSL/TLS) with the relevant ports.

The email settings should be changed by running the <server>\RangerMSP\Server\ServerConfig.exe utility.

Please also run the connection and sending email tests using this utility and make sure they pass successfully.

Hope this helps.
June 6th, 2018, 10:14 PM
Posts: 14

When configuring I am getting this error:

> Connecting to Pop3 server...
! Starting SSL handshake
RqType = 0 POP3 error 500 -ERR SSL Handshake

the host have tested and I can configure it using an email program like Outlook and it works fine. It is only using the CRM it fails.
June 6th, 2018, 10:15 PM
Posts: 14
Also sending:

Host: mail.queenslandbusinesstechnologies.com.au
Port: 465
Encrypted connection: SSL
Auth: Y,support@queenslandbusinesstechnologies.com.au,(P assword)
Error Connect
SSL connection unexpectedly closed
06/07/2018 14:15:06: Queued
06/07/2018 14:15:07: Connecting
06/07/2018 14:15:08: Connecting - SSL connection unexpectedly closed
06/07/2018 14:15:09: Connecting
06/07/2018 14:15:09: Connecting - SSL connection unexpectedly closed
06/07/2018 14:15:10: Connecting
06/07/2018 14:15:10: ErrorConnect - SSL connection unexpectedly closed
(Internal: 20,1050)
June 7th, 2018, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
We suspect that the both errors are somehow related to security settings.

Please make sure that the ports are fully opened in the firewall.

In case you host Exchange locally then try connecting to your mailbox without SSL (yet still password protected).using the port 110.

You can also try changing Exchange POP3 settings to support plain text authentication (not TSL).
Then RESTART the Exchange POP connector service and then test the connection again in ServerConfig utility without SSL and on the standard 110 port..

Please keep us posted.

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