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August 7th, 2014, 03:23 AM
Posts: 1

We currently use CommitCRM 6.0 and are trying to link this to Labtech Monitoring Software. This is in an effort to offer pro-active support to our customers by CommitCRM logging tickets generated from automatic emails from Labtech regarding system monitors.

We have the Labtech side of things set up and working. The emails are in the format we want and are being delivered to the correct mailbow.


We cannot get CommitCRM to read these emails and create a ticket. We already have the system running as clients can email and log tickets themselves, these are created automatically from their email address domain.

The theory I have is that CommitCRM is not reading the Labtech emails because we have the 'Detect CommitCRM Accounts by the Sender Email Address' option ticked. As the Labtech emails come from a generic mailing address and the client information is in the subject line, I believe that this is the reason CommitCRM will not log a ticket correctly.

So what I am asking is..

Is there any way to keep the 'Detect CommitCRM Accounts...' option ticked (to continue as normal with our users) however make this rule not apply to emails from the Labtech mailing address?

We have several rules applied to detect the Customer Account name from the subject of the email already, this has not helped.

Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.
August 7th, 2014, 06:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

The 'Detect RangerMSP Accounts by sender..' flag is only for use with automated email and has no effect on regular support emails to tickets (unless caught by a keyword in the subject). In this case if the sender email is labtech then it wont correctly identify the Accounts in RangerMSP. You should uncheck that box and specify the labtech address as the sender in the first box on the Automated Emails setup form and in the Account Detection Rules box you will need the Account identifying word. This should work and it wont affect your normal customer email support requests.

Hope this helps.

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