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August 1st, 2021, 07:04 PM
Jenny McBride
Posts: 2
In the last month or so, I started getting an error message when I am trying to create invoices in Quick Books from Ranger. The message says I need to change my UAC settings. I have tried this multiple times, changing the settings in both directions, but nothing seems to help. My supervisor does not have the same problem on his computer and the integration works beautifully. We both access the same company file in QB (using QB Pro 2020) and both use the same Ranger account. Please let me know if anyone knows of any other solutions to this problem.
August 2nd, 2021, 06:08 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

The error you listed probably means that the same company file is accessed from RangerMSP and the QuickBooks app itself using a DIFFERENT path and this "confuses" QuickBooks (i.e. the same company-file is accessed using two separate paths to the same file).

Please verify that the company in QuickBooks is also configured to use UNC path, i.e. \\your-server-name\Quickbooks\company-file... and NOT via the mapped drive.

In other words, you should open the company file in both QuickBooks and RangerMSP using the SAME UNC path, unlike one using a mapped drive letter and another UNC.
Also with UNC - same path to the file should be used (unlike a different Share hierarchy).

In case you need to change the company path in RangerMSP (unlike in QuickBooks), go to Tools > Options > QuickBooks tab and click to change the company path and when asked select that this is the SAME company file.

Also note that the UNC path used to access the company file in QuickBooks Desktop app should be identical on all network PCs.

Hope this helps.
August 18th, 2021, 06:44 PM
Jenny McBride
Posts: 2
I reviewed the paths used by Ranger and QB and they are both the same.

The error message I am getting is about UAC (User Account Control) settings and not UNC.

I still don't know why the issue is happening where I can't sync or create invoices in QB from Ranger.

Any other thoughts?
August 19th, 2021, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
In most cases the error is related to the company file path.

Please share with us the currently configured company path in both applications.

You can email us the screenshots to support @ rangermsp.com

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