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Feature Request - Email history notes

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    Feature Request - Email history notes


    Obvioulsy the ticket history is invaluable but I often find myself dulpicating data. What would be great if I could enter a history note and have the option to email it directly to the ticket recipients (preferably being able to tick exactly what recipients I want it sent to, rather than a shotgun approach).

    For e.g. I could enter a history note that I called such-and-such a user, and have that note easily emailled to their manager who logged the ticket inform them that a call has been made and a voice mail left. Just a way of constantly communicating with clients.


    Also when emailling from tickets it would be nice to be able to select exactly who you want to get the email rather than having all people emailled. For e.g. I would like to email third parties about the ticket such as suppliers and not have the customer receive the email. Being able to select who the email is sent to when you click email would be nice.

    Would be good to be able to have different symbols on generic history notes, for e.g. phone smybol for phone calls etc.

    Thats all, keep up the great work!

    Re: Feature Request - Email history notes

    Hi smeggar,

    Thank you for posting this.

    First, you can email an History Note. For this click the "Go Advanced" button found at the bottom right of the History Note details window, then, you'll see that a toolbar with options were added - click Email icon (or drop down to select an Email Template) and a new email window will pop with the History Note content already filled.

    If you use the Email Connector, then the email should be sent to the email connector public email address, it'll then be distributed to all of the Ticket recipients, except to the sender employee. You can add recipients to this specific email, ones that are not list in the Ticket Recipients list.

    As the email connector is the one that distributes the email to all recipients the email should be sent to it. It then look at the email recipients you defined for the specific ticket, sends them the email and files the email under the Ticket History. This is why you can add recipients to your email (the one sent to the connector) but you cannot remove ones (unless visiting the Email Recipients and add/remove the addresses as required.

    Hope this helps and thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us.


